Join Us!
Members of Women of the World for Women of Spirit come from all over the world. Currently 567 women from 50 countries and the U.S. belong to the organization. The updated list for 2009 is coming soon.
(For internal networking and sharing among wow4wosmembers, present and future, like yourself). Please note that you may complete this questionnaire even if you do not plan to attend an upcoming NAFSA or Women of the World for Women of Spirit event in the near future.
1. Last Name:
2. First Name:
3. Title:
4. Institution/organization/office:
5. Full mailing address: (please include street and number, POB, or other)
6. City:
7. State:
8. Zip:
9. Country:
10. email address:
11. fax : (include country code)
12. work tel: (include country code)
13. mobile tel : (include country code)
14. Have you ever attended a wow4wos event? Yes/No
(If yes, which event/s have you previously attended?)
Washington, DC: January 2001
Philadelphia, PA: May 2001
Tel Aviv, Israel: March 2002
San Antonio, TX: May 2002
Tel Aviv: January 2003
Washington, DC: January 2003
Salt Lake City: May 25, 2003
Baltimore: May 23, 2004
Seattle: June 2, 2005
Montreal: May 21, 2006
Minneapolis: May 27, 2007
Washington: May 25, 2008
15. How long have you worked in your field?
0 to 2 years
3 to 5 years
5 to 10 years
10 to 15 years
over 15 years
NB: Please limit your responses to questions 16 through 19 below to no more than 250 letters/spaces for each question.
16. What are your hobbies? (sports, cooking, singing, mountain climbing, marathon racing, ballroom dancing, carpentry, sewing, etc)
17. What do you consider one thing you do especially well?
18. What do you consider an interesting highlight of your life? (award, book published, travel, personal/family, leadership position, etc)
19. What do you consider the benefits of attending a wow4wos gathering?
20. Do you have any specific dietary preferences/restrictions? (for future wow4wos gatherings)
1 – none
2 – vegetarian
3 – no red meat
4 – no milk products
5 – other
Please copy this to an e-mail document and return to: